Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thank You Allah...

so here i am in PJ...
PJ yaww... on a Wednesday nite...
very unusual kan...
but yea...
kinda of forced myself home cuz i really need to talk to ayah...

me talking to ayah???
macm tak kena je kan...
but yea...
a serious matter that i really needed to talk to ayah about...
something that i really couldnt hold back anymore...
he understands...
such a big burden off my chest now..

i told him bout You..
about me...
and most importantly about Us!!!

and he's super cool about it...
i even told him of my 2015 plan...
and he said make that as ur motivation...
all is good as long as i'm ok with it and you are too...

so yea...
thats just the gist of it...
i hope we can talk things thru...
soon insyallah...

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