Sunday, December 23, 2007

was it enough love?

i somehow knew she was going to leave me for him,
no one told me but i just knew,
it is true,
she just said "its no longer u"
she told me she love me,
i believed that she love me,
maybe those words are just from a script!!

my role is now being played by someone else,
i was the star for many nights,
the roles may have changed,
but i was never warned,
i should have enjoyed it when it was,
i know its the same script that u use,
but with a different cast,

what i am saying is true,
but i don think it got to u,
i am not hating,
but i wish i was more cautious,
i won't say no more,
i don't think u want to hear more,

is it my fault that i don't love u enough?
the problem is i love u too much,
i hope u'll change,
i will leave u with him for now,
lets see how u move on now,
u're gone for sure,
i am hurt for sure,

maybe becaused i love u,
u became unattracted,
it was all down to u,
but now ur gone!!


Amirah.Z said...

this is freaking-ishly familiar!!

Anonymous said...

sounds painful.whos all the pain all about?