Monday, July 26, 2010

feeling glad out of the sadness from the past....

i took a slow drive back from a friends house for dinner...
reminiscing on the past and predicting the future...

the drive made me more thankful of what The Lord has given me in the past...
or even made me go thru...
amongst them are my relationship issues...

big issue this one is...
as time passes i am able to rationalize of the past...
and accept what has happened...

first off...
she may had been an ideal girl... BACK THEN...
but i am glad things never worked out...
it surprises me to be knowing her now to be a totally changed person...
attitude change, behavior and etc...
so yea...
i don't mind not even knowing her now...

the second...
made a great company...
got along so fine and it pretty much convinced me it could work out...
but again...
things didn't go as planned...
though much effort was put in place to make it work...
if fate is not on your side then it just falls to pieces...

last but not least...
the third...
never had a third one...
though there was a perspective candidate...
it didn't get thru either...
i am glad though...

having gone thru all this shits of the past really scares me to step into the future...
i at times wonder whether there is anyone who has stopped changing...
you get the idea right...
the saying "people change..." till when are they gonna change??
now comes to mind the questions...

1=they change their attitude and become someone of an unpleasant attitude?
2=they say they love u today and 10years down the road say it to someone else?

another question which made me thought...
if The Almighty has made pairs for everyone on this earth...
how would i know the pair i am matched with or match myself with is meant for me...
what if my pair was supposed to be Jenn Aniston... -Pfft... stupid i know-
when will i ever be paired??
so much more to be asked and answered when it come to relationship...

as for the future...
i ought to think i would be happy as i am now...
though there are times when i do feel the need for company...
there are always your friends... yet its not the same as to having a significant other...

Friday, July 2, 2010

p.s ranjan & co

so i've started my month long of elective program since yesterday...
it would take up most of my holidays...
but its ok cuz i think i might enjoy this thing tha i've chosen as my elective...

whats with the the title u may ask...
well that's the law firm that i am attached to...
u read that right...

this particular firm specializes 90% on medical cases...
who would have thought that only doctors know medicine eh?
this particular firm handles mostly medical related cases, be it civil or criminal case... this firm can handle it...

why law?
well, truth be told...
i had thought of becoming a lawyer not too long ago...
an officer of the courts and champion of the laws...
what happened along the way only He knows...
for He is the Almighty and Ever-knowing....

ok... thats all

Thursday, June 24, 2010

half a year already

its been that long since i last inked my thoughts on this page...
well i can justify that...
first of...
i had been busy with preparations for my first professional exams...
which, Alhamdulillah... i passed...
so yea pretty much took 3-quarters of my life...

no other reason really...

anyways, blessing upon Him for my success in the recent exams...
now i am on holiday for a month ++...
wow i thought to myself at first...
but 3 days into the holidays i've already lost my sense of direction in life...
macam dah tak ade hala tuju hidupku...
bangun pukul 6 petang... tido 6 pagi... OMG...

that aside...
beginning the 1st of july 2010...
i officially begin third year with my elective course...
for this course, i hve choosen to learn about medical law in specific and the malaysian legal system in general...
so i shall be a lawyers assistant for the next one month...
i might i have to do donkey jobs... so what??
the feeling of being in a law firm (not for any wrong-doings) gives me good jibes...
so yea what the heck...

i shall keep this blog posted on my daily routines InsyaAllah...